九十八學年度春季學季 三年級英語課程
之後書寫部分,週一是故事經典句子抄寫於工作本,週二是將故事圖像畫於工作本,週三抄寫名詞(naming words-藍色)和動詞(doing words-紅色),以上工作均於課堂上完成,由於孩子個別差異,因此若未能完成者,則需利用放學後完成。週五作業字母本延續找字母的形,春季四週課程完成Hh~Kk,之後五週仍要求孩子持續字母本製作Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo五個字母,大寫及小寫形各三個,希望家長也能陪伴孩子一起體會發現的樂趣。
祝 平安快樂
英語教師 寶珠
Morning verse:
The sun with loving light.
Make bright for me each day.The soul with spirit power
Give strength onto my limbs.
In sunlight shining clear,
I reverence O God,
The strength of human kind
Which Thou so graciously
Hast planted in my Soul,
That I, with all my might
My love to work and learn.
For thee comes light and strength.
To Thee rise Love and Thanks.
Spring verses:
1. The sun said “I glow”.
The wind said “I blow”.
The stream said “I flow”.
The plant said “I grow”.
The man said “I know”.
2. In my garden
In my garden, there is a seed.
I am the one who put it there.
Who will help it now to grow?
Earth and sun and rain and air
In my garden, there is a flower.
From a seed it came to birth.
Who helped it to grow so tall?
Air and rain and sun and earth.
Ending verse:
1. All that I learn from day to day
Shall travel with me on my way
And build a treasure store to share
With fellow beings everywhere.
2. Thank you for the world so sweet
Thank you for the food we eat.
Than you for the birds that sing.
Thank you, God, for everything.
1. Are you standing?
Yes, I am./ No, I am not.
2. How many fingers do you have?
3.What time is it?
It is eleven o’clock.
4.What time do you get up?
1. The mouse bride
2. Am I really different?
3. The little red hen
How many brothers/sisters do you have?
What date is it today?
Ladybirds and butterflies, Buzzing bees up in the sky. Teeny, tiny little ants, Crawling up and down the plants Many insects can be found In the sky and on the ground.
In my garden
In my garden, there is a seed.
I am the one who put it there.
Who will help it now to grow?
Earth and sun and rain and air
In my garden, there is a flower.
From a seed it came to birth.
Who helped it to grow so tall?
Air and rain and sun and earth.
Hello, bon jour, buenos dias! G'day, guten-tag, konichiwa..... Ciao, shalom, do-brey dien, Hello to all the children of the world!We live in different places from all around the world. We speak in many different ways! Though some things may be different, We're children just the same- And we all like to sing and play!
Cuckoo, cuckoo, messenger clear. What are you singing? What are you bringing? Spring time, spring time, spring time is near. Cuckoo, cuckoo, messenger clear. What are you singing? What are you bringing? Spring time, spring time, spring time is here.
Spring is coming. Spring is coming. Birdies build your nest. Weave together straw and feather. Doing each your best.
I’ve heard a mother bird, singing in the rain. Telling all her little ones, spring has come again. Cuckoo, Cuckoo, spring has come again. Cuckoo, Cuckoo spring has come again.